Here is some general information on acne and how to control breakouts. Now I am not a doctor so my advice is not the end all, be all, but it gives you a good place to start. I also have a great
DIY acne mask that you can try.
- Control abnormal keratinization and pore blockage (exfoliate): The initial trigger in the production of acne papules is the increased adherence of keratinocytes to the follicle wall and increased sebum production, resulting in a plugged pore. Skin cells often do not shed enough on their own; creating a buildup of surface cells that traps oil and bacteria. Using gentle peeling agents that control bacteria and oil production as well as loosen impacted stratum corneum cells allows treatment products to penetrate more effectively. Using a daily care product with low level retinol in conjunction with anti-inflammatory exfoliating treatments allows for better skin function and improved cell turnover rates with minimal irritation.
- Control sebum (oil) production: In acne-prone skin, increased sebum and P. acnes bacteria build up behind the plug and can trigger an inflammatory response. It is important to understand that over-drying the skin, even if it is oily, will cause the skin to compensate by producing an excessive amount of sebum. This will cause even more breakouts. Natural astringents that also moisturize will avoid this over-production of sebum.
- Decrease P. acnes proliferation: Topical oxygen sources, such as benzoyl peroxide and hydrogen peroxide, effectively deliver oxygen to the follicle, killing the anaerobic bacteria. Increasing cell turnover and gentle exfoliation, ensures that P. acnes will not be trapped in a deoxygenated environment and allowed to proliferate.
- Control inflammation: Inflammation is both a cause and result of acne. When the number of P. acnes increases sebum is broken down into irritating free fatty acids which stimulate an immune response. White blood cells weaken the follicular wall, resulting in rupture and increased inflammation. Utilizing anti-inflammatory topical ingredients will soothe current irritation and help to avoid future inflammation.
Some common and effective sebum controlling ingredients are: salicylic acid, ginger root, green burnet root, licorice root, cucumber extract and cinnamon bark. In addition there are several beneficial oils important in the treatment of acne as they contain very helpful naturally derived fatty acids. These include, but are not limited to borage seed oil, grape seed oil and essential wheat germ oil.
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